Hope and A New Way Forward

Hope and A New Way Forward

About two months ago I shared my final decision with my supportive leaders and teammates at Globant: I’d be leaving the great situation and fantastic opportunities we’d created together, and starting my own business, Simbiotrek (sim-bฤ“-‘รค-‘trek). Now, what I’d left to go create is starting to emerge…

At the time I left Globant, and to friends, family, and acquaintances since then, I have explained this with something like, “Since my second year of work I’ve wanted to start my own business, and I couldn’t imagine there being a better situation for doing that than this.” That was true across so many dimensions, and still is, but it is also a bit vague. What Simbiotrek will become is still very much in development, but what I am working on with my first client is really starting to take shape. I am so happy to be able share a bit more insight into how the mission and offering of my first client made this such an attractive opportunity:

This incredible story is one of many that the team at Reply Ob/Gyn & Fertility has helped make possible. I am so motivated by the impact this service can have on individual lives, how our efforts to structure the business model may improve healthcare delivery in the future, and how broader awareness of, and access to, this service may bring so much good to society. I am so motivated by all that, and by the hope that Simbiotrek will continue to be a partner in realizing that promise, that I am just pouring myself into this work like never before. (As incredible as it sounds to anyone who’s worked with me before!)

There is definitely A LOT more to do, but you can certainly check out the program landing page at rethinkyourfertility.com.

Update, March 2022: We now have the landing page up at replyfertility.com, and we built it using FG Funnels, which provides a great integrated suite of tools for starting your online business and the integrated automation to make them work for you.

Sean Kennedy

The creator of "Whatever The Heck That Means" is now based in Winter Park, Florida. Previously he lived and worked in Raleigh, North Carolina, and before that Toronto, Canada. He has been trying to make great software for over 20 years. Find him on X @AkaMacGyver.

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