Your Business: The Innovation Engine Society Needs

Your Business: The Innovation Engine Society Needs

If you run a small- or medium-sized business, you likely have a very intimate knowledge about your customers’ needs and goals that many of your larger competitors do not. This is why we, at Simbiotrek (sim-bē-ˈä-ˈtrek), believe there is huge opportunity for smaller firms with established offerings to grow and have oversized impact by focusing on customer value.

The modern mega-corporation is an inherently weak vessel for the development of innovation and the generation of customer value. There are too many barriers – from the short-termism of shareholder value and the bureaucracy of compliance, to the distaste for complexity and emergence.

Hunter Hastings, on LinkedIn

While your small- or medium-sized business ought not have these problems, and your intimate customer understanding is an “unfair advantage”; to meet the needs of your customers and help them realize their goals, you’ll need to implement new processes and technologies to create the experience your customers expect and to scale your capacity to grow your business. So many companies fail in the planning and execution of these changes, and so many more fail to even imagine how or where to begin. Worse, in many, even most, companies that make the transition and create those new offerings and/or experiences, they end up:

  1. Losing connectivity to their customers and failing to keep current in the intimate knowledge of their needs and goals
  2. Ossifying their current knowledge into the new processes, technologies, and organizational structures they implement
  3. Copying the barriers to “innovation and the generation of customer value” that they see in their larger competitors

Investing in an idea and scaling to deliver it is far from sufficient to realize success. Indeed, it may be the fastest route to destroying the intrinsic advantages of size and agility that brought you to the point of recognizing the opportunity and being ready to seize it. Still, however difficult, we know the transition is possible, and helping companies like yours navigate that transition from imagination to planning and execution, to future agility and ongoing evolution, is Simbiotrek’s mission.

[All change requires more than] knowledge, training, coaching, and other external “activators” … [Through our] cooperative partnership approach, where we’ve integrated with our clients to form cross-company and cross-functional teams; working on everything from strategy to execution, from experimentation to operationalization; … we’ve shown we can avoid this “Achilles’ Heel” and facilitate, accelerate, and realize successful change.

Overcoming the “Achilles Heel” of Agile, by Sean Kennedy, on Whatever The Heck That Means

If you’re curious and want to understand more for yourself, connect with us on LinkedIn or through and take your first step to building a more beautiful business.

Sean Kennedy

The creator of "Whatever The Heck That Means" is now based in Winter Park, Florida. Previously he lived and worked in Raleigh, North Carolina, and before that Toronto, Canada. He has been trying to make great software for over 20 years. Find him on X @AkaMacGyver.


Sports and Business: a few of my favorite things – Whatever The Heck That Means Posted on5:54 pm - September 16, 2022

[…] how that combined with Austrian economics to create my perspective on business and led me to what I do […]

Gal Jerman Posted on2:05 pm - September 6, 2022

Love this post! Keep up the good work 🙂

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