Would you believe me if I told you that expert entrepreneurs regularly make decisions without all the relevant information? That they take action knowing that they could do additional analysis and get additional advice? Do you think that you have the courage to become an expert entrepreneur?

In this second episode of Whatever The Heck That Means on YouTube, we look at why expert entrepreneurs need courage – especially to make decisions. I hope you’ll check it out; like and subscribe if you do, and comment your thoughts and questions too.
To do this we’ll discuss why making a bad decision is better than no decision (which is a decision itself). Why there’s never complete or perfect knowledge about what will happen when a decision is made. The advantages of making many decisions; including enhanced learning and more opportunities to get things right. Why courage to make decisions is not enough: without the courage to confront the brutal facts of your current reality you might be more foolish and brash than brave, and your decisions will be unlikely to turn out either.
We also discuss the Stockdale Paradox again, and I mention the WTHTM blog post about my search for and articulation of my Two Anchoring Core Values.
I hope you’ll check it out, like and subscribe if you do, and comment your thoughts and questions too.
If you want to talk about how you can apply these ideas in your business, contact me through simbiotrek.com.