Profit is the primary signal of sustainable and scalable customer value. If you’re not profiting, you don’t know what value you’re providing.
Read MoreProfit is Good

Profit is the primary signal of sustainable and scalable customer value. If you’re not profiting, you don’t know what value you’re providing.
Read MoreVision and Mission are two of the most misused and therefore meaningless words in business. But it doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t, be that way.
Read MoreThe capstone of the Entrepreneurial Action Levels framework is Level 5: Onwards and Upwards. As with your entrepreneurial journey in toto, your need to act at any of the five levels is not a linear path.
Read MoreYour customers are always looking for better outcomes and higher value. There are no two ways about it, price is a key factor in the perception of value.
Read MoreLaunching. Learning. Listening.
While you may not always act at this level, someone in your company had better be!
Read MoreExploring. Imagining. Trying.
It’s time to get serious in your entrepreneurial journey. It’s no time to go it alone.
Read MoreNo, you can’t just follow someone’s template: at best that will waste your time and energy. No, there’s no simple formula to follow. But you can do better than emulating successful entrepreneurs, you can have a framework for action and an intentional approach to build the beautiful business you’ve always imagined.
Read More5+ years later, software vendors and consultants are still advertising the importance of being data-driven. It’s good for them to sell software and services, but it’s not at all what you need.
Read MoreAs an entrepreneur in our modern digital economy your business needs to leverage technology for success, and “digital transformation” has been the buzzword de jour for years to describe what companies need to do to become competitive in the 21st Century. Even so, business owners rightly respond, “But what is it and do I really need to it?”
Read MoreAs an entrepreneur in our modern digital economy your business needs to leverage technology for success. But there are so many new techs, and so many old ones. What should I pay attention to? What should I try to use in my business?
Read MoreYour mind is a powerful computer. Expert entrepreneurs, as well as the best leaders and managers, use it to simulate the experience of customers and employees.
Read MoreExpert entrepreneurs aren’t daydreamers! And even if they are, I don’t have time in my business for that! Entrepreneurship is a creative endeavor, but is also firmly rooted in reality. When we talk about “entrepreneurial imagination” it may not be what you first think.
Read MoreIt is so important to listen. To all your stakeholders, but especially to your customers. Being a good listener is another trait that expert entrepreneurs share, but even that is not enough to build a beautiful business.
Read More“I started my own business because I wanted to be my own boss!” Great! But if you want to grow that business and have it thrive, you had better have a healthy dose of humility to navigate the situations where data and feedback show that you’ve been wrong.
Read MoreThe last two years I’ve coached my son’s team in hockey and it has been one of the most enjoying and fulfilling things I’ve ever done. My most recent coaching experience inspired me to standup and articulate the connections I see between and the lessons I think we can glean from youth hockey.
Read MoreWould you believe me if I told you that expert entrepreneurs regularly make decisions without all the relevant information? That they take action knowing that they could do additional analysis and get additional advice? Do you think that you have the courage to become an expert entrepreneur?
Read MoreExpert entrepreneurs build and manage the biggest, most profitable, most well-known, most innovative and impactful, most admired companies; what do you mean they care more about helping others than helping themselves?
Read MoreWe’re embarking on a journey to create valuable content for entrepreneurs and business leaders—on YouTube!
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